Tuesday, 28 April 2009

On-line campaigning - where the next election will be fought?

Get ready...

Your PC, mobile and blog will in the firing line as the next election looms. Once upon a time you could avoid answering the door when you saw the canvassers in the street, or you could light the fire with the leaflets pushed through the letterbox. But come the next general election (most likely about one year from now, so if you are of a mind to emigrate to avoid it, start packing) the messages will be coming at you from all (virtual) angles.

We've got Gordon Brown on YouTube announcing the House of Commons Expenses overhaul, then, erm, well, sort of, having to abandon these plans. Then, today, the Guardian tells us the Tories are launching so-called 'war-room briefings', which the party assures us will give us real insight into the strategic workings of a major party...

All of it scares me to death - when my text message bleep sounds, I want good news of a night out, not a txt vrsion of a mnifsto, aaahhhh

Sunday, 26 April 2009

Further steps in the world of blogging

It's a complex, confusing and crowded blogging world out there. I've taken a look at some of Brian Solis's stuff. He sure is getting excited about Twitter. He puts it down to the Oprah effect. Well, I'm not sure I want five minute updates on what some celebrities are doing and thinking, but, it appears there are many others who do...

Are our own lives so dull that we live a more exciting one vicariously through little updates posted by a film actor or recording artist who we'll never meet? And if we did, would they be what we imagined?

Thursday, 23 April 2009

New Beginnings

Well, that's me entering the world of blogging.
The questions I've always had up until now have mainly centred around why would anyone actually want to read about my day, learn about my mundane life. But that's the power of the blog.
I'm doing this as part of my coursework for the MSc in Public Relations at Stirling University, so there's a purpose to this.
But for starters I thought I'd tell you that I'm a horse lover and I'll introduce you to Arnie (above left), a horse I know who can jump like a stag. He's now in East Lothian where he competes, flying like Pegasus over the coloured poles.
Incidentally, my favourite viewing just now, when I'm not studying, is Alexandra Tolstoy's Horse People on BBC2. If I ever leave the United Kingdom, I might just move to Jerez in southern Spain where the horses are out of this world. Hubby would have to come too, but he's not wild about sherry. He likes horses, though.

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