Sunday, 26 April 2009

Further steps in the world of blogging

It's a complex, confusing and crowded blogging world out there. I've taken a look at some of Brian Solis's stuff. He sure is getting excited about Twitter. He puts it down to the Oprah effect. Well, I'm not sure I want five minute updates on what some celebrities are doing and thinking, but, it appears there are many others who do...

Are our own lives so dull that we live a more exciting one vicariously through little updates posted by a film actor or recording artist who we'll never meet? And if we did, would they be what we imagined?


  1. Being a music/entertainment PR practitioner, I use Twitter, LinkedIn & Facebook ALL THE TIME. With the current economic climate I am having to resort to shamelessy plugging my company in my "Status", "What's on your mind" areas of those sites.
    I wouldn't be without them at the moment.
    And, no, recording artists are not what you imagine them to be :-)
    MSc in PR (Stirling Uni)

  2. Hey, that's a new way of viewing these for me. Using these channels all the time as a business tool. I'll keep looking and see if I can take them more seriously...
    I'm not convinced that short updates are any more than a good way of keeping fans or supporters happy but with the short message length available, I think it would be hard to get many messages across or change behaviours.
    I understand, though, how you may hope to attract the Twitterer's attention by your use of them. Good luck!
    Re recording artists - I suppose most have generally mundane lives most of the time, too. When they're not twittering, anyway!

  3. Facebook is so popular and succeed! I'm rather using Skype or MSN to communicate with my family, friends and also suppliers. In paticular, the video conference and sending huge photos are the most I appreciated. I am wondering how our life are going if we lost them one day...

  4. Maybe I just have too many other things to do, but I can't get excited about what 'celebs' like Stephen Fry are going to twit next. I do like how Twitter brings people together and/or gets the word out that something important is happening. You should have more choices on your survey.

  5. Charli, you have inspired me to tweet.

  6. Ditsychick, I await your Tweets. Are you a convert or has this blog got you thinking? Mind you, be careful, as Global Villager comments on my 'Blogs - The Quest for Quality' post, make sure you've subbed and checked them for legal correctness! It's all going full circle.


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